Thursday, November 14, 2019

Research for Music Video

    The commercial was a success and took longer than expected. The filming process was simple and was without error because most of our scenes were hand held. The editing process gave the most difficulty because of technical problems. This time around, editing will be much easier because we have learned from our mistakes. This project will be a music video and will be filmed outside of school so we will have a greater chance of successfully completing it. We will be picking a song for the video and that will be easy because we listen to music every day all day. So we know what music videos look like and what we like about them so it will be easier to do this project.
      The song we have chosen is called Girl, By: Destiny's Child. We picked this song because we want to bring awareness to the ongoing issue of Domestic Violence.

Genre: The genre of our song is Rhythm and Blues. We chose this genre to get into the melody and talk about a deep and important matter.

C- In the first scene, Beyonce has on a tank top and shorts, Kelly has on a nice shirt and pants, and Michelle also has on a nice shirt and pants. In the rest of the scenes, Beyonce has on a dress, Kelly has on a romper, and Michelle has on a pantsuit. These outfits bring out a mellow and beautiful type of woman.

L- In the video, there are different settings. In the house, the lighting is a golden dim type of lighting. Outside and in the restaurant is regular sun lighting plus the lights in the restaurant.

A- As said before, there are different settings of the video. In the house, it shows them acting by them being happy to see each other and sitting on the couch, staring at the television. Outside, it shows them walking down the strip, singing the lyrics of the song. In the restaurant, it shows a singing dialogue going on between the three, with different facial expressions to match.

M- In the video, the three have on light makeup. They also have on little jewelry. It shows the beauty inside womanhood as well.

P- Props in the video could be the computer, wine glasses, and menus and silverware in the restaurant.

S- The video has three different settings. In the first setting, it shows the girls in a home, first greeting each other, to sitting on the couch looking at the television. The second setting is the girls outside, walking the strip. The last setting is the girls in a restaurant.


Editing in this video most likely had cuts in it. For example, they cut out the people talking in the background, so the song can be heard. They also had reverse shots in the video, from them walking, to being in the restaurant, and back to walking.

C- The costumes were the same as before. In the first scene, Beyonce has on a tank top and shorts, Kelly has on nice shirt and pants, and Michelle also has on a nice shirt and pants. In the rest of the scenes, Beyonce has on a dress, Kelly has on a romper, and Michelle has on a pantsuit. These outfits bring out a mellow and beautiful type of woman.

L- The lighting was the same. In the house, the lighting is a golden dim type of lighting. Outside and in the restaurant is regular sun lighting plus the lights in the restaurant.

A- In their acting, they had reaction shots where Michelle and Beyonce were singing dialogue to Kelly, and Kelly had an expression of confusion. Also, Michelle had a look of concern for Kelly to show she was worried about her situation.

M- The makeup was the same, except in the beginning, the girls had a more natural look.

P- The props how a reverse shot from the computer to the girls walking through the door.

S- In the house, it is an eye-line match between the girls and the television. Outside on the strip, it shows a cut away from them being in the restaurant to walking on the strip. In the restaurant, it shows a reaction shot where the girls are singing dialogue.

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