Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Audience and Institution Practice Essay

Assess the Importance of Marketing in the Media Area that you studied

       Films are created to be viewed and enjoyed. In order for this to be made possible, there has to be multiple forms of promotion. This is extremely vital and one of the most important things in the film process.

      Producers have a job to sell products and to do so they must connect with other producers and companies. Without promoting the film, there would be no audience to view it when it’s released. Producers use cross-promotion,  synergy, and cross-media convergence to market their films.

      Producers need the movies they create to be sold. The most productive way to get the film through to people is to market it. One way a film is usually marketed is by using synergy. Synergy is the most effective way to do this because companies work together to make a profit. The more marketing for a film, the better the chance it has of popularity. A prime example is Spiderman Homecoming, in this movie, the filmmakers partnered with Cinnamon Toast Crunch. This was effective because when buying the cereal, they’d see Spider-man advertised on the box.
       Another successful film that used synergy was Frozen 2. However, the marketing was kept throughout the company. It was better to use companies under the same conglomerate because that helped keep the money in -house.

        Cross promoting is another way to market a film. During cross-promotion, films often use other companies and not their own, to market their product. In many cases, in-house production is not enough for film companies to successfully sell their product. Because of this, they decide to branch out. They then come together with others that are not under the same conglomerate. A prime example is the movie Fantastic Beasts. In this film, they used AT&T when it came to promoting it. They tagged merchandise and posters that were posted in the AT&T stores to grab the attention of the audiences they wanted to reach.

       In the end, regardless of how well a film is marketed, that does not guarantee success. Many other factors may lead to the downfall of a film. A prime example and result of this is the movie Uglydolls. It could be very well possible that the audiences simply did not like the movie. This film was marketed very well and the numbers still came out way lower than expected. This is literal proof and shows that no matter how good a company markets a film, it won’t necessarily always be successful.

      In conclusion, despite some failed efforts in the marketing process, marketing is extremely essential in the filmmaking process. Many of the successful movies that are popular today would not have been as well advertised and sold as much if it wasn’t for marketing. The purpose of marketing is to get the film out to the audience and without marketing, there would be no other better way to do so.