Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing Blog

    Hey, I’m back to log my movie journey and to share our film making process. So far, we filmed some of our scenes and we’re peer reviewed. With our first assignment, we soon realized that our regular editing app that we had to use on the school computers would not work as well with this project. We also already had to struggle with the computers themselves, so pinnacle studios was a no-go.
       We really didn’t want to have to bear the hassle of a faulty app that we weren’t very sure of how to use properly. So we first started this project, assigned each individual of our group a role. My role was to be one of the actors and the idea person for the storyboard. Erik is in charge of editing and the actual putting together of the movie. We recently had a peer review assignment that was assigned so we could get a second view and unbiased or fresh perspective on our movie. This did prove to be very helpful because it let us know what our classmates thought. They were  also doing this project as well, so everyone was assigned an individual to peer review or a group.
    For the peer review, we were told that we couldn’t just send in clips. We actually had to put together what we had to film so far and put it on a flash drive. We only filmed the  scene at the park, and we did shoot some scenes more than once because of lighting or other issues. So we had to cut some of the footage and add it in certain places in order to be in sync with the storyboard. Then, we had to make sure that our film  was within the timeframe and didn’t go over or under it. We basically just cut and put together the scenes, but we did have a problem. Because  we took longer than expected to film, our peer review wasn’t the full movie. But it still went over the timeframe that the movie was supposed to be in. But we had to turn in something for our peer review. this weekend we plan on finishing the rest of our scenes, and I will be back to log the rest of our journey!

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